• An Easter Tale

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    Let me tell you a tale.
    It starts in a garden, long, long ago.
    And what a garden it was – literally, a paradise on earth. A place of grandeur and beauty, filled with trees of every description and with leaves in every shade of green, soaring upwards toward a sky so blue it hurts the eyes.
    The sound of a great river can be heard flowing through this garden paradise, a source of life and refreshing for…

  • Dual Citizens

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    I was born and raised in New Zealand, the land of the long white cloud and a ratio of nearly six sheep for every one person. I often remember as a child watching the sun in summer sink below the horizon late at night, and, in winter, layering up as warmly as possible through the short, dark, freezing days of relentless rain and oftentimes snow.
    My husband and I moved from New Zealand in 2008, the…

  • Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    I don’t know about you but sometimes I feel bad for not knowing then what I know now.
    Bad, as in, I wish I’d known better, I wish I had known more, I wish I had known sooner or responded better or chosen differently.
    But here’s the thing. We only wish this because of what we know now. Which is to say, in all the time that’s passed from then until now, we’ve learned something, we’ve grown, we’ve become more equipped, less reactive, we can make better choices only because of what we’ve…

  • Will Progressive Christianity Destroy The Church?

    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind for a while. Some time ago, I watched a commentary by a ‘Christian pastor’ that totally shocked me. In fact, I haven’t really stopped thinking about it since.
    I found it disturbing; equal parts ridiculous and horrifying, and I really couldn’t believe it was being presented under the guise of legitimate Christianity.
    For me, it highlighted a disturbing and, frankly, heartbreaking direction that modern Christianity, or…