• Ruth: The Inconsequential Outsider

    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    The Weft And Warp Of Scripture
    The word of God is like a vast tapestry, its main theme interwoven with many sub-plots and side stories that run like golden threads through an intricate design. Each of these threads complements the complete telling of God’s story and narrates again and again to us the way in which God views our world and us, the people who inhabit it.
    The story of Ruth, a seemingly inconsequential outsider, is one…

  • Only A Suitable Redeemer Will Do

    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    One of the most startling pieces of information that we are given in relation to Jesus is the fact that he was made like us. Jesus’ redemptive work on behalf of humanity was deeply connected to his own humanity. Although he was born “the Son of God”, and radiant with His Father’s glory, he participated in every way in all the experiences of what it means to be human. His ability to sympathise with us and…