• In The Shadow Of The Empire

    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    Christianity in the first century was a spiritual explosion, fueled by the reality of the resurrection of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Unlike the Jewish community, who lived and worshipped largely by themselves, Christians were active evangelists, eager to share the good news about Jesus with all who would listen. They preached Jesus everywhere, not just as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah, but as Lord, Saviour, and King; over and above Caesar.
    Initially planted…

  • Heaven + Earth: The End Of The Story

    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    Inarguably, it’s the end of any story that’s the most important part.
    While the beginning of a tale gives context and setting, and the middle gives the story its shape and drama, it’s the ending that provides meaning and gives resolution to the narrative. It’s the ending that makes sense of everything, that allows all the intersecting threads of drama, intrigue, risk, loss, joy, and homecoming to find their place and purpose within the story and,…

  • Walking With God

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    “He has told you, O human, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” | Micah 6:8 NAS 1977

    Knowing And Being Known
    At the heart of us all is a deep desire to be known; to be so intimately connected with another person that it’s as if we are no longer two people but one – ‘a single soul…

  • Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    We’re called to a radical life.
    This is a life in which we’re called to follow someone we’ve never seen. We’ve heard about him but we’ve never seen him with our own eyes. We’ve ‘believed the report’, the good message about who Jesus is and why he came, and our hearts have been convicted to follow him. And even though we haven’t seen him, we love him.

    “Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though…

  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    “It’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” | Peter Scazzero, Emotional Healthy Spirituality

    Emotions Make Us Human
    Do you have emotionally healthy spirituality? Are you emotionally mature? Or are you, perhaps, deeply uncomfortable being intimate with your emotions? Did you realise that emotional maturity and spiritual health are intrinsically linked? Our emotions are at the core of what it is to be human and the journey of genuine transformation to emotionally healthy spirituality begins…

  • Jesus: King Of The World

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    The final pages of the Old Testament come to a close with the prophetic words of Malachi, written around 460-430 BC. We find the people of Israel have returned from nearly 130 years of exile and are back in the land of their ancestors. Yet the nation is vastly diminished. The temple has been restored under the leadership of Nehemiah but it is a much smaller building than the previous, gloriously constructed temple of King…

  • Toxic Faith

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    It seems hard to believe that people who have answered Jesus’ call to a life of freedom could so easily lose the sense of joy and relief they first felt. It’s difficult to understand why Christians who have been made free and ‘alive in Christ’ would choose to return to a kind of spirituality that slowly imprisons the mind and poisons the soul. How does a message that speaks clearly of God’s love – a…

  • Saved

    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Everyone wants something to believe in. From aliens to political conspiracies, from the supernatural to the meaning of life, flat earth theory (yep, it really is a thing) to climate change; we’re all looking to take a position on something. We’re all looking for a belief or an opinion to call our own.
    Often, our beliefs are not even rooted in fact or reason, they’re simply how we define the world, as we see it, and…

  • Only A Suitable Redeemer Will Do

    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    One of the most startling pieces of information that we are given in relation to Jesus is the fact that he was made like us. Jesus’ redemptive work on behalf of humanity was deeply connected to his own humanity. Although he was born “the Son of God”, and radiant with His Father’s glory, he participated in every way in all the experiences of what it means to be human. His ability to sympathise with us and…

  • Grasping Hold Of Grace: Repentance

    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    Imagine a man lost the middle of the Atlantic ocean. He doesn’t remember how he got there or where he’s going, all he knows is this endless swimming in circles. No ships in sight, he’s been treading water for hours and now he’s beginning to tire. There’s a very real danger that he will actually drown – that’s if the hypothermia doesn’t get to him first. He doesn’t realise this, however. He thinks he’ll be…