• A Christian Response To The Global Crisis

    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    How we, as Christians, respond in times of crisis is not just vitally important for our own faith and for our witness of the gospel, it’s important for the wellbeing of those around us, who may be struggling with doubts and fears in what is a very distressing and anxious time.

    A Measured And Faithful Response
    I want to speak plainly to a disturbing trend currently being observed amongst some, in response to the current pandemic facing…

  • Jesus: King Of The World

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    The final pages of the Old Testament come to a close with the prophetic words of Malachi, written around 460-430 BC. We find the people of Israel have returned from nearly 130 years of exile and are back in the land of their ancestors. Yet the nation is vastly diminished. The temple has been restored under the leadership of Nehemiah but it is a much smaller building than the previous, gloriously constructed temple of King…