• Keeping The Faith

    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    It’s been nearly five years since the religious community I grew up in ‘regretfully accepted my withdrawal from fellowship’. In reality, I did no such thing, their statement was simply an awkward and disingenuous way to excommunicate me because I could no longer affirm, without reservation, particular tenets they held to be watertight and immutable.
    I feel that had the Bible genuinely been our mutually agreed authority, there would have been no good cause to excommunicate…

  • Without The Applause: Examining Celebrity Culture In The Church

    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    I recently wrote an article which I called ‘Beneath The Skin’; a critique of sorts of modern Christianity and the Western church.
    The article focused primarily on the collective Christian identity; The Church, not on any one particular denomination or way of ‘doing church’ but, rather, on the church’s influence and presence, as a whole, in the world today. I endeavored to identify both the good and the bad, historically and now, but, in particular, I was…

  • Ruth: The Inconsequential Outsider

    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    The Weft And Warp Of Scripture
    The word of God is like a vast tapestry, its main theme interwoven with many sub-plots and side stories that run like golden threads through an intricate design. Each of these threads complements the complete telling of God’s story and narrates again and again to us the way in which God views our world and us, the people who inhabit it.
    The story of Ruth, a seemingly inconsequential outsider, is one…

  • Beyond The Pale

    Reading Time: 9 minutes

    I recently wrote about my separation from the religious community I grew up in and the overwhelming response to my article was both encouraging and thought-provoking.
    Many people wrote to me, both publicly and privately, to let me know that the article had deeply resonated with them. They expressed that they, too, have had many questions over the years, wrestling with inconsistencies while attempting to find their place in a system they secretly suspected they didn’t…

  • Will Progressive Christianity Destroy The Church?

    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind for a while. Some time ago, I watched a commentary by a ‘Christian pastor’ that totally shocked me. In fact, I haven’t really stopped thinking about it since.
    I found it disturbing; equal parts ridiculous and horrifying, and I really couldn’t believe it was being presented under the guise of legitimate Christianity.
    For me, it highlighted a disturbing and, frankly, heartbreaking direction that modern Christianity, or…

  • Leaving

    Reading Time: 8 minutes

    Leaving is never because of just one thing. Not really.
    It’s the result of a thousand, inconsequential one things that all converge in a single moment of sudden, irreconcilable difference.
    For me, the eventual leaving of the religious community I grew up in began as a tiny question fluttering at the back of my mind.
    Back then, I’d never met a question I didn’t want to take apart, examine, rearrange and then carefully reassemble, perfectly ordered, and satisfactorily…

  • A Christian Response To The Global Crisis

    Reading Time: 4 minutes

    How we, as Christians, respond in times of crisis is not just vitally important for our own faith and for our witness of the gospel, it’s important for the wellbeing of those around us, who may be struggling with doubts and fears in what is a very distressing and anxious time.

    A Measured And Faithful Response
    I want to speak plainly to a disturbing trend currently being observed amongst some, in response to the current pandemic facing…

  • Keep Your Eyes On Jesus

    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    We’re called to a radical life.
    This is a life in which we’re called to follow someone we’ve never seen. We’ve heard about him but we’ve never seen him with our own eyes. We’ve ‘believed the report’, the good message about who Jesus is and why he came, and our hearts have been convicted to follow him. And even though we haven’t seen him, we love him.

    “Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though…

  • What Is A Disciple?

    Reading Time: 6 minutes

    The word disciple occurs frequently throughout the Bible and ‘discipleship’ is something that the Bible references often. But what does the word disciple actually mean? And what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

    What Is A Disciple?
    Our English language Bibles were translated from manuscripts written primarily in two languages; Hebrew (in the Old Testament) and Greek (in the New Testament). The translative history of the Bible is a fascinating journey, from an academic…

  • Toxic Faith

    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    It seems hard to believe that people who have answered Jesus’ call to a life of freedom could so easily lose the sense of joy and relief they first felt. It’s difficult to understand why Christians who have been made free and ‘alive in Christ’ would choose to return to a kind of spirituality that slowly imprisons the mind and poisons the soul. How does a message that speaks clearly of God’s love – a…